Double National Grants achieved!! A National
PRIN focused on dissecting the role of Neuromodulators in
Arrythmogenic Cardiomyopathy and the AVATHEART grant for
personalized the medicine and treatment in the Hypoplasic left heart
failure patients!! WOWWW!!!
Double Congratulation! Our
Ph.D. Student Margherita Burattini achieved the Best Oral
Presentation Prize at the Italian Society of Cardiovascular
Research, In Imola. Our Ph.D Student Silvia Berrettoni achieved the
Travel Grant from Poster Presentation.
A Special Meeting wherein all lab participated.
Prof. Pelà deliver a fantastic lecture about Sex difference and
the heart, Dr. Mirko Hu provide insight for P.M. , air pollution and
arrhythmias, Dr. Burattini gave a speech regarding MELAS syndrome.

Let's congratulate with our Dr. Mirko Hu for the achievement of
the Best Poster Presentation at the Italian Society of Organ on A
Mirko works on Digital Twin development associated with cardiac
organoids! Well Done Mirko!!

The TecMedLAB welcomes Dr. Marta Barbaresi
! Marta is an analitical chemist that under the PNRR
project will work on bioresirbale materials for industrial
New European Grant Achieved! From EuropeAID
"Increase Research Capacities in Kosovo" . The TecMed LAb will be
part of the consortium together with King's College, University of
Pristina and University of Milan for the formation and training of
students and postdoc for kosovo on the topic on nanoparticles in the
environment and medical research!
Looking forward to start!
Here is the news!
Very warm welcome to Ms. Silvia Berrettoni in our Lab. Silvia
as Ph.D. student will discover how nanomaterials can impact upon
Atrial Fibrilation. Please see her biosketch at the "people"
Impressive! Francesco Paolo lo Muzio win
the best oral prize for presentation at the "Forum Giovani"
of Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research in Bari and Margherita
Burattini win the Poster Travel Grant !! En Plein for the

Here are the media
Muzio Best Oral presentation
Let us also welcome three new postdocs in the group! Ing Flavia
Bonalumi, Ph.D., Ing Mirko Hu, Ph.D., and Ing Minh Long Huan, Ph.D.
as part of the Young Investigator Research Project. Visit their
biosketch at "people" page.
Incredible Achievement for the TecMedLab! Our
work on synthetic recovery of impulse propagation in myocardial
infarction via Silicon Semicarbide conductive nanowires has bene
publshed on Nature Communications!!
Here are the Media and websites related to the work
Here my interview at Radio 24
Thanks from all co-authors !!!
Awards !! Rosario Statello and Francesco LoMuzio
both achieved the Travel Grant Award from the Italian Society of
Cardiovascular Research Meeting in Imola 28-30 October. Congrats !!

Our position paper from the Italian Society of Cardiovascular
Research published in 2020 regarding COVID-19 in Geroscience received the
HIGHLY CITED score in the field of Clinical Medicine!!
Our article on microvesicles and their role in myocardial hypoxic
stress is finally online on European Heart Journal . Fantastic
Happy to share our laboratory article on diesel nanoparticles
triggering arrhythmias. The paper relies on better understanding the
mechanisms by which DEP exacerbate arrhythmogenesis. Please enjoy
reading our paper published today on Environmental Pollution !!
We are also proud of Dr. Michele Bozzi and DR. Erika Pizzinato
our former undergrat. students. Both got the highest degree cum
laude for Biotechnology graduation in University of Parma with honor
mention !! Good job !!
Happy to share our last results on Nanoscale
cardiac remodeling published on hypertension journal from AHA!
Congratulation guys !!
10/ 2020
The TECMED Lab is so proud of Giacomo that achieved the third
place at the Start Cup Emilia Romagna with the aim to rend
our VikiE technology, available to the clinics.
This prize allows J.E.M. Tech to participate to the final National
Competition the 30 November in Bologna. Nice job !!